

Q1文学 >> 已经开始了 >> 第227章 Lucy之湖(二)

第227章 Lucy之湖(二) 1/3

许信成有些惊讶,他当然知道“Lake Lucy”是什么意思,但他还是好奇地问道:“Lucy lake? You mean……”(“Lucy之湖?你是说……”)

“Yes, I named it after Lucy. I bought this lake 3 years ago, and as the owner, I got the right to give it a new name, and as one of the most beautiful lakes in this world, I think I should name it after one of the most beautiful girls I had known in my life, and Lucy is the first and only name I came up with.”(“是的,我以Lucy的名字来命名它。我是在3年前买下这个湖的,作为它的拥有者,我有权力为它取一个新名字,作为这世界上最美丽的一个湖,我想我应该以这世界上我所认识的最美丽的女孩子的名字来命名它,而Lucy就是我第一个想到的也是唯一想到的名字。”)


“When I signed the purchase contract of this lake 3 years ago, my lawyer said I had the right to rename the lake, and put it on the contract, it just took me one second to decide that I would name it after Lucy. Just like that, it’s a no-brainer.”(“3年前,当我在签署购买合同的时候,我的律师说我有权力重新命名这个湖,然后把它的名字写到合同里,当时我只用了一秒钟便决定了我要以Lucy的名字来命名它。就那么简单,那是一件不用多想的事。”)


Anderson王子指了指前面不远处湖边的几块大石头,对许信成说:“Steve, let’s take a break. There are some stones over there, let’s go sit down.”(“Steve,让我们休息一会。那边有一些大石头,我们过去那里坐坐。”)



Anderson王子缓缓地仰起头,仰望了一下浅蓝色的天空,望了望东边的太阳,然后低头望着浅蓝色的湖面,深深地吸了一口气,缓缓吐气,然后,像是对许信成说,又像是对自己说:“How beautiful she is!”(“她是多么的美啊!”)

许信成知道,Anderson王子所说的“She”既是指眼前的被他命名为Lake Lucy的湖,又指Lucy。

Anderson王子问许信成:“Steve, how long have you known Lucy?”(“Steve,你认识Lucy多久了?”)

“Not too long, only about 2 months.”(“不是很久,只有大概两个月。”)

“I have known her for about 4 years. I still remember the first time I met her, I still remember all the details, I still remember all the moments. I met her in her company in New York, I went there as a potential client. And I madly fell in love with her at the very first sight at the very first moment.”(“我已经认识她约4年了。我至今仍记得第一次见到她时的情形,我至今让记得所有的细节,我至今仍记得所有的时刻。我是在纽约在她的公司见到她的,我是作为一个潜在客户过去见她的。而我在见到她的第一眼在见到她的那一瞬间便已经疯狂地爱上了她。”)



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